Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You Sure Don't See these in the States

I finally added a photo to my blog header. The photo was taken at a rest stop in southwest France. It was surprising to run across a Tour de France sculpture/memorial at a rest stop, not surprising was the rude French guy working at the gas station. I attempted to buy gas at the rest stop, but ended up walking out with a Twix bar, some French cheetos and a bottle of water. I guess my frustration was partly my fault due to my minimal French speaking ability. What made it worse was Kelly standing behind me laughing (thanks Kelly) while I tried to communicate that I wanted to purchase 20 liters of gas. After a few minutes of us trying to communicate with by typing numbers on a calculator and the guy telling it would cost $85 euros I gave up for good.

One thing I do know how to say in French is “I would like two pieces of goat cheese pizza” (inside joke).

1 comment:

John said...

Glad to hear yo FINALLY learned how to ask for 2 instead of 1 pieces of pizza.